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Headache with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, vision disturbance

Symptoms of Headache with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, vision disturbance could be due to:


Symptoms and indications: Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumour and may be slow in onset. Symptoms include headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, poor coordination, disturbance of vision, weakness affecting one side of the body, mental changes and fits. A person with any symptoms of brain disorder should seek medical advice

Treatment: This depends very much on the type and location of the tumour. Treatment can include surgery, radiotherapy and the use of radioisotopes and chemotherapy.

Persons most commonly affected: All ages and both sexes, but more common in adults.


Symptoms and indications: For open-angle glaucoma or chronic glaucoma there are no or few symptoms until the condition is well advanced and then a person normally experiences some form of disturbance in vision. This may be a partial loss, particularly of peripheral vision or blurring of vision, which usually gets worse. A person may see halos around lights and have poor night vision.

Narrow-angle glaucoma or acute glaucoma symptoms include seeing a halo of coloured light around lamps, blurring of vision, severe pain around the eye and a throbbing headache. Vision is increasingly affected and the eyeball is hard and tender. The eye may be red and swollen. This condition requires emergency medical treatment.

Treatment: Open angle or chronic glaucoma treatment consists of the application of eye drops several times a day and taking tablets. Some patients may require a surgical operation called trabulectomy which helps to drain fluid from the eye more easily.

Narrow-angle or acute glaucoma requires admittance to hospital and intensive use of drops and tablets. Surgery is then required to prevent the condition from returning.

Persons most commonly affected: Adults of both sexes aged over 40 years, but those aged over 60 being at particular risk.


Symptoms and indications: Failure of sweating and all temperature regulation, headache, muscular cramps, hot, dry skin and high body temperature. The heartbeat rate is rapid, and there is a loss of consciousness, followed by coma and death, which can occur quite quickly. The person requires immediate emergency attention to save his or her life and admittance to hospital.

Treatment: The body is overheated and must be cooled immediately by sponging or immersion in cool water, and fanning. The body may be wrapped in wet sheets. Once the temperature has returned to just above normal (38.9°C), the person should be dried and wrapped in a dry blanket. When consciousness returns, drinks and salt solutions are needed or may have to be given intravenously. Convalescence may take some time and it may not be possible for the person to continue former activities in the prevailing climate.

Persons most commonly affected: All age groups and both sexes with elderly most at risk.



Symptoms and indications: The symptoms include a severe headache, sensitivity to light and sound, muscle rigidity, especially affecting the neck, Kernig's sign (an inability to straighten the legs at the knees when the thighs are at right angles to the body), vomiting, confusion and coma, leading to death. These are caused by inflammation of the meninges and by a rise in intracranial pressure. One of the features of meningitis is that there is a change in the constituents and appearance of the cerebrospinal fluid and the infective organism can usually be isolated from it and identified. One of the most feared aspects of (bacterial) meningitis is that the onset of symptoms can be very rapid and death can follow swiftly. A person with symptoms of meningitis requires admittance to hospital for urgent medical treatment.

Treatment: Depends upon the cause of the meningitis, which is established by analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid. If the cause is a virus, the disease is usually less severe but may still prove fatal in some cases. Mild cases may recover spontaneously with bed rest in a darkened room. Some cases require treatment by means of antiviral drugs, such as acylovir, given intravenously. If the cause is fungal or yeast infection, the drug amphotericin B is normally given intravenously. Various bacteria may cause meningitis, especially those responsible for Tuberculosis, Pneumonia and Syphilis. Treatment is by means of intensive doses of appropriate antibiotics and sulphonamide drugs given intravenously. The person requires additional treatment to correct dehydration and electrolyte disturbances and to lower fever.

Persons most commonly affected: All age groups and both sexes.


Symptoms and indications: Early symptoms of a migraine attack may be nausea and disturbance of vision in the form of seeing flickering bright lights (the aura of migraine). A severe, throbbing pain develops, often sited over one eye, nausea continues and there may be vomiting. The person is sensitive to light and sound, which make the condition worse.

Treatment: Consists of rest in bed in a darkened, quiet room until the symptoms suside (up to 24 hours), and taking pain-relieving drugs. Other drugs that may be prescribed are ergotamine tartrate and metoclopramide. An affected person may have to experiment to find which pain-relieving drugs are the most helpful. Usually, they are most effective if taken during the period whan an attack is felt to be coming on.

Persons most commonly affected: Adolescents and adults of both sexes but especially premenopausal women.


Symptoms and indications: There is usually a preceding upper respiratory tract infection. Symptoms include headache, blocked nose with a greenish infected discharge, a feeling of heaviness and pain inside the head and face, and possibly, disturbance of sleep. Depending upon the location of the affected sinus, there may be eye pain and inflammation. A person with symptoms of sinusitis should seek medical advice.

Treatment: Is by means of antibiotics and also decongestants, usually in the form of nasal drops. Painkillers may be taken to relieve headache and pain. Rarely, if the problem is persistent and severe, admittance to hospital for surgery to drain the affected sinus may be necessary. The condition usually improves but may recur.

Persons most commonly affected: All age groups and both sexes.


Other problems that could cause Symptoms of Headache with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, vision disturbance could be connected with: Aneurysm, Brain abscess, Caisson disease (compressed air illness), Carbon monoxide poisoning, Concussion encephalitis, Head injury, Hypertension, Temporal arteritis, Subarachoid haemorrhage, Subdural haemorrhage and others.



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