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NASA blame hottest year on recod (2005) on Greenhouse gases

NASA blame hottest year on recod (2005) on Greenhouse gasesJames Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies has said that he is "reasonably confident" that 2005 was the hottest year on our planet since records began.

Unfortunately, he blamed this factor on a build-up of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, when NASA almost certainly know that the main culprit for the Global Warming effect is an event that has been occuring in our solar system for at least 7-8 years.

It was a NASA space craft that first detected a rise in temperatures whilst on a mission that took it past Saturn. Since then, other studies have shown that all the planets in our solar system (including our Sun) are showing signs of warming. This means that the problem our planet is experiencing is not unique to us and can only be caused by some event taking place in our system (or galaxy).

As we have reported before, something called "Chemtrails" appeared shortly after this discovery and thousands of people have now witnessed the white trails left in the sky by planes emptying chemicals into our atmosphere, making formally clear blue skies fill up with clouds.

Officially, this is still a secret operation, although one high ranking person has admitted that it is connected to the Global Warming problem.

Despite what you might hear on other sites, Chemtrails are not some secret US military weapon, or an attempt to control hurricanes and the like. This "seeding" is appearing in many other countries as well and is designed to keep something out (not in).

The event that is happening in our solar system is almost certainly the early effects of a Galactic Superwave. This produces solar waves not unlike that of a common microwave oven and like a microwave oven, metal can reflect these waves (especially aluminium).

It may surprise you to know that the chemicals discovered in the "spraying" that is taking place are Aluminium and Barium (both metalic compounds!). This is designed to reflect some (but not all) of the waves hitting our planet at the moment and would certainly have no effect at all on the full force of a Galactic Superwave.

Imagine for a moment that the Earth is a potato placed inside a microwave oven and the Galactic Superwave are the waves making it hot. We all know that the potato will heat up from the center and as the potato is actually our planet, this will cause earthquakes and volcanoes as our planet begins to "cook".

It is this "cooking" process that is really causing the increase in temperatures and this is only the beginning! Sure, the pollution we create adds to this, but this is just a drop in the ocean and can not account for the speed in which the warming is taking place.

Sadly, there are still a few people on the planet who have not yet accepted that there is any Global Warming problem at all, so there is little hope of them accepting this latest news. As for the rest, most of you are happy to accept whatever information you are given and can not imagine that any government would keep such information from you.

Unfortunately, it is happening and they are keeping this a secret. But then, an event that will extinguish all life-forms on the planet is probably an event that few can handle? What would you do if you knew your life on this planet was going to end in a fairly short time?

Of course, those in power (who know what's coming) believe they don't have to worry, they have been building huge shelters in the last few years to protect themselves and their families. What they don't realize is that the destruction will probably have an effect on the planet that could last for thousands of years! We doubt if their shelters (no matter how good they are) can support a community for that long.

However, for those of us who are not part of the "Elite" team, all is perhaps not lost. This part will be a little hard to accept (especially if you are very religious), but it is "aliens" that have monitored our existence on this planet (not some Biblical God!) and it is they that have made us what we are today.

Unfortunately, we are an arrogant species who believe we are more advanced than we are, but in reality, we are no more than insects in comparison to the aliens that have been watching us (little more than animals in a zoo).

Thankfully, the Galactic Superwave is an event that has happened at least 3 times before (perhaps many more?) and something that the aliens are aware of. As they have been watching us and have an interest in our future, it stands to reason that they would not want us all to perish when this event returns (would you leave your favourite pet in a house that you know is going to be destroyed?)

The only problem is perhaps who will be saved, and that we are not sure about. But maybe they will select the most worthy, deserving and useful of us, who knows?

How long have we got? This too is uncertain, but our guess is, not long! James Finn, who has been following this subject a long time, believes that this could be as soon as March (this year) and you can read more about this on his site.

Why haven't you heard about this before? There are a number of reasons for this. Governments have been more than happy to let certain sites promote the idea that Chemtrails are some new military weapon, and whilst this will still create some concern, it is better than telling people they are going to die soon. The other problem is that sites, who have tried to promote the truth, have been prevented from doing so and have found that their messages are either getting "lost" or placed in areas where few can see them (this has happened to us several times!). This is no "conspiracy theory", this is fact!

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!Very soon this event will become very obvious to everyone and it can no longer be hidden, and we won't need to tell you about something that you can easily see for yourself. Until then, sites like ours (and Jim's) will continue to write about this (despite the efforts to gag us) and let as many people as possible know. Whether you choose to belive it is up to you, we are serious people who believe you should be given the facts and are not spending our valuable time writing about it just for fun.

What should you do? Nothing! There isn't anything you can do. The reason for our articles are to make you aware of what might be, and be ready for an event that will surely scare the strongest of us. But being prepared will certainly help you to cope with the event and could make a difference. You can thank us later (hopefully).

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