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If Ron Paul became President, how long would 'they' let him survive?

Ron Paul - President 2012There seems to be no doubt that Ron Paul is one of the most honest politicians in the US, if not the world. His ideas are simple and very sensible, and his leadership would bring about the greatest change to the United States in a very long time, not just helping the American people, but having a positive effect on the entire world.

Unfortunately, as was the case in his last attempt, the media are hiding his successes in the polls and giving him less public exposure than his rivals. He is effectively playing in a game where the dice are loaded, so the chances of getting his message to the entire nation are slim at best. And even when he does appear on TV, he usually has to battle with some newsreader that is determined to 'twist' his ideas around and make them look Un-American.

Nobody could be more 'American' than Ron Paul, a politician that really does care for his country and the people. Unfortunately, the American public have been brainwashed into accepting a new kind of America, one that allows its government to send troops to far off lands to secure deals for oil companies. These are 'invasions' and not to defend the United States of America (as Obama mentioned in his Thanksgiving speech). Ron Paul wants to bring the troops home!

And did you notice that 'God' was not mentioned in the Thanksgiving address? We are told that this is to make the occasion more welcoming to a wider audience (of all religions). Do other countries 'adjust' their religious ceremonies in this way? Of course not and why should they? Thanksgiving, just like Christmas, is connected with Christianity and for Christians. Other religions have their own special events, which are celebrated in different ways and at different times. They should all be respected as individual events, but it seems 'God' has become a dirty word in some people's book.

And who are the people that decide you must say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas, and ban 'God' from the Thanksgiving address? The same people that don't want to see Ron Paul become President!

Some 2,000 years ago (according to the history books) a man called Caiaphas, who was a supreme political operator and one of the most influential men in Jerusalem, sentenced Jesus to death. His crime was being too popular with the people and highlighting the many wrongs that were taking place in the establishment.

Caiaphas was one of 71 members (moneychangers) of the council that worked closely with the Romans. Whilst the Romans were their bosses, Caiaphas and his members had created a situation within the organization that had benefit to the Romans, but made them a lot of money as well. The only way to safeguard their business was to kill Jesus.

Whilst I do not wish to offend anyone by likening Ron Paul to Jesus, he is effectively trying to do much the same thing. Ron Paul would like to see the Federal Reserve lose much of its power (if not close it down altogether) and the modern day 'moneychangers' are not going to allow that. The last President that showed an interest in doing that was assassinated (JFK) and we can only speculate on who was responsible for his murder.

Caiaphas may have a different name today, but very little else has changed. Whilst I would love to see Ron Paul become President (along with millions of others), I fear that such a success could prove costly in other ways. He is too nice a guy to meet that sort of fate, and would his Vice President and administration share his passion and bravery?

Clearly something must be done, and perhaps a landslide victory for Ron Paul next year would help. This would show that the American public are united in their wish to see some 'real' change and provide encouragement to others in seeing these changes are achieved.

The clock is ticking and the time is right. This opportunity may never come again, or a politician like Ron Paul. hosted by - A reliable service with a wide selection of payment options.