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VEDETTE - Fighting for our Freedom!Vedette - Fighting for our Freedom

Throughout my life I have always tried to do the right thing, not just for myself, but for others too. I'm not unique, I'm not alone, there are many millions (perhaps billions?) who have lived their lives in exactly the same way.

And how have we been rewarded for doing the "right thing"? We pay taxes where none are needed, we lose our homes because of the actions of others, we are given drugs that can kill or control us, we are spied on like common criminals, we are lied to by the government and MSM (mainstream media), we (our family or friends) can be sent to foreign lands to die or be maimed for "people" who simply want to increase their power and wealth, a job they are not prepared to do themselves, or risk using members of their own family. The list is endless!

Thanks to the internet, many of us have seen the "real" world, a world that is run by an Elite group, whose sole ambition is to obtain world domination (The New World Order), A group who will (and have) use any method necessary to achieve this.

Because of the effective methods used by the MSM, most people have been brainwashed into believing that articles like these are nothing more than Conspiracy Theories, written by people who should be considered "unreliable" or even "crazy" to question the honest and unbiased reports that are given to them, and unpatriotic to disagree with their leaders. But we can see (if we take the time to look) that this is not the case. Take presidential candidate Ron Paul as an example, is it a coincidence that the MSM should purposely hide him from the public view? Why?

Ron Paul wanted to see a limited government, a return to the Constitution, the abolition of the IRS and Federal Reserve, a policy where the USA doesn't police the world, an end to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the things that would effectively put the "Elite" out of business. Is it any wonder they wanted to stop him being heard or becoming president.

Not so many years ago I too used to believe the MSM and the government, I never questioned the information I was given. I never imagined that "respected" organizations could be capable of such lies, deceit and cover-ups. But all that changed as I carefully sifted through the research that others had made, and later saw for myself (via high level contacts of my own), that it was all true. It came as quite a shock, and I remember being angry with myself for not seeing it earlier. But once your eyes have been opened, there is no turning back.

It has been of great encouragement to me (as I am sure it has been to others) that more and more people are seeing the same truth. The Ron Paul "revolution" has shown us all that people do care, and there is a very real passion and desire to change the way things are.

However, there is just one problem. Although the information is available for all to see, and the people are ready and willing to fight back, the one thing missing is organization. There are many hundreds of internet sites providing stunning evidence of the corruption, and even more groups scattered all over the USA (and the world) spreading the word. But these need to be brought together, or all our efforts will be wasted.

The reason for creating these special pages on my site, the Vedette group and message board, is to bring EVERYONE together, because the only way we can truly be effective is to work "Together As One". The idea is not to create an organization to replace everything in the system, but to have sufficient power to change the things that need changing! Let's be realistic, could a group of a few hundred (or even a few thousand) be enough to force a government to change a policy? Of course not, but many millions could!

Members would consist of people from all walks of life, people who would monitor situations (as they do now), exchange information and be prepared to take action en masse if and when needed. This could involve taking part in a strike, boycotting a new law or company, refusing to pay taxes, refusing to fight in wars that are considered illegal and so on.

Unfortunately, organizing something like this is likely to be very time consuming, which is probably why few have undertaken such a task. It really is a job that requires full time attention. I'm just an ordinary guy who needs to work like everyone else, so I'm probably going to need a little help! I don't want to ask for donations (you don't know me well enough to do that yet), but perhaps you would consider another option? I have prepared some items (see the column on the right) that you can purchase, which are designed to help promote this idea and assist with expenses. This is NOT compulsory and some may not be able to afford to do this (which I fully understand), but if you can, it will be very much appreciated.

I have listed two more pages below that you should take a look at, and you will find some very interesting links to various sites and articles on the "Links to sites" page (If you think your site should be added, please let me know). Be sure to visit our message board and take part in the action. Because of all the spammers that tried getting on the last board I set up, all members will be approved before they can start posting. I apologize if you think the security on the Forum is excessive, but I can assure you it is necessary. I want the members to discuss all the topics freely (and seriously), without having to see posts by people selling pills that improve your sex life. If you see anything like this, please let me know immediately!

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