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Saturn Ring changes - Are they connected to Solar Global Warming?

Saturn Ring changes - Are they connected to Solar Global Warming?Observations carried out by the Cassini spacecraft have discovered considerable changes in the last 25 years to Saturn's Rings.

Readings were compared with those from the Voyager spacecraft flyby in 1981 and the current discoveries from Cassini. It was found that Saturn's innermost ring (the D ring) has dimmed in the last 25 years and a part of it has moved closer to the planet.

Scientists believe that these changes may reveal something about the age and lifetime of planetary rings, but are baffled as to why Saturn's D ring should change in such a short time, the most dramatic change recorded in hundreds of years!

Perhaps the answer to this might be the "Global Warming" that has become apparent in our Solar System in the last few years. A warming that is having an effect on all of the planets (including the Sun). Although this change in our Solar System was noticed at least 8 years ago, there has been very little said about it in the media.

We have written a couple of articles recently on this subject: Chemtrails, Global Warming and our Solar System and Is our Solar System being "microwaved"?. These articles provide factual evidence that changes are taking place (and quickly) and we have speculated on what might be the cause.

A growing number of people have expressed concern about "Chemtrails" (white plumes seen in the sky after a plane has ejected some chemicals into the atmosphere). These are attempts (perhaps still in the experimental stage?) to either alter weather conditions or some other purpose.

There are many theories as to why this is taking place. Some have suggested that it might be to create rain in areas that are suffering from a drought, but some feel that it might be some sinister attempt to control the weather for military purposes.

Whilst both of these options are possible, we believe that there is another reason. It may be a coincidence, but "Chemtrails" seemed to appear (or be noticed) approximately one year after observers noticed the Global Warming effect taking place in our Solar System. It is our belief that the chemicals being placed in our atmosphere, are an attempt to protect our planet from the solar energy that is causing this effect.

If you read the articles we have provided links to above, you will be able to get a better idea of why we believe this. If our theory is correct, the situation is going to get much worse and maybe some governments (especially the U.S. government) realise this and are trying to either stop or delay the effects.

As the solar energy that is causing this warming grows stronger, we can expect to see and increase in Earthquakes and much greater volcanic activity (many have probably noticed this already).

Our planet is getting much hotter, but this has been reported for many years. Whilst part of this can be blamed on our own polluting efforts, perhaps the main cause is coming from much farther away?

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!But why would this be kept a secret? Maybe it is the usual problem of governments believing that the public will panic if faced with the truth? Such news might have that effect on the public initially, but don't we have the right to know what our future holds?

We encourage others to link to this article (or the others we have written on this subject) and persuade others to discuss this more. We would like to see more sites writing articles on this topic and maybe this will bring us nearer to the truth.

Something is certainly happening to our Solar System (that much is a fact), and although we may not be able to stop it, or protect our own planet, we have a right to know!

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