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Global Warming - Why are some scientists still unsure it exists?

With an endless stream of evidence clearly showing that Global Warming is affecting our planet, there are still many scientists that cling to the belief that this is a natural phenomenon.

We find it more than a little worrying that thousands of dollars have been spent educating these people, yet they seem incapable of seeing the obvious!

A recent ice core sample taken from East Antarctica, which provides a record of our climate 650,000 years ago, shows that the level of carbon dioxide is higher now than ever before. The temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in recent decades and all this is happening quickly (and apparently increasing in speed).

These changes are affecting our weather, as the recent increase in Hurricanes clearly show and many countries are seeing much milder winters than ever before.

But still the headlines read "Is this more proof of Global Warming?" or "Warming behind storms?". If this recent trend (changing weather, melting ice, higher temperatures, rising sea levels) is not something that has happened before (like this), what else could it be but Global Warming?

We have absolutely no doubt that the planet is experiencing Global Warming affects, but it doesn't take an expensive education to see that. What people should be asking is what is causing the Warming.

Much of this could be put down to pollution caused by man, but the rate that it is increasing suggests that another factor could be to blame.

It is our belief (and that of others) that a change taking place in our solar system is the main reason for the rapid changes on our planet (and all the other planets in our system). This will not only continue, but grow much worse and some governments are already aware of this event.

News of "Chemtrails" have been obtaining more exposure on the alternative news sites, and we believe this is a government attempt to try and reduce the effects of the solar problem. Sadly, this "experiment" will only reduce the effects (at best) and will not stop it.

A limited number of people know what the future holds for us, but they are not prepared to share this information with the rest of the planet. Mainstream media will not (or can not?) report this event and any sites that publish details of this can expect to see their visibility on the internet reduce considerably!

This is no conspiracy theory or joke, this is reality. Of course, the authorities will make such reports appear like they are the work of someone who has read too many Sci-Fi books, and quite often let other stories gain exposure (in order to create a distraction from the real truth).

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!This tactic is used all the time in politics and has been used for almost 60 years in respect of UFO's. Unfortunately, it is very effective and most of the public fall for it everytime.

But don't just take our word for it (or automatically accept the authorities version of events), check for yourself!

We are covering this subject on our Forum and have written many articles on the subject as well.

You can read more about an event called a Galactic Superwave here and of course provide your own comments as well. There are a number of links to other sites and articles that we hope you will find interesting.

We hope that you will find time to study the information available and decide who you think is supplying the truth. If you have questions, ask.

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