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What you gonna do when "they" come for you?

What you gonna do when "they" come for you?Many religious people believe that when the "End of Times" eventually comes (as predicted in the Bible), the good will be saved. But what if the rescue is not arranged by "God" and carried out by "Angels"?

Our good friend, James Finn (Click Here to visit his site), believes that a rescue will indeed take place, but our rescuers will in fact be the Star People (Aliens if you prefer).

Unfortunately, not everyone is likely to be saved and the selection process is uncertain. But one would assume (or hope) that the good will have a better chance of being on the list.

We have discussed this in earlier articles and asked the question of religious believers "Would you jump aboard a UFO if you discovered that God was in fact Aliens and it was "they" who were going to rescue us?"

Surprisingly, quite a few said they would not allow themselves to be saved by the Star People and would wait for the Biblical version!

The reason we have raised this subject again is because there is a possibility that the "End of Times" might actually be closer than many think (March this year!).

If the predictions are correct, time is an important factor. Those lucky enough to be granted a "ticket" will have very little time to take up this offer (maybe just a few hours?). Can you afford to get it wrong?

What if there really isn't a God in the Biblical sense and "God" is really Aliens in space crafts (seen as Gods by our ancestors). Surely, the Star People would have been seen as Gods (or God) 2,000 years ago, would it be wise to reject their help if it is offered?

You must decide what is right for yourself, but we felt we should mention this again as the time to make a decision could be close. As there is no real proof that a singular "God" exists and logic suggests that an Alien being is a more likely alternative, perhaps it is worth giving this some thought?

Could it be that the all powerful being many have worshipped for so long is an Alien? Could it be that the Bible has created the wrong image, based on the mentality of man in more primitive times, and this has produced a potentially dangerous situation for millions of people?

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!As no one has ever seen the Biblical God, who can say what we should expect. With this thought in mind, perhaps we should all be prepared for a possible surprise.

Personally, if the planet is falling apart and the end is only hours away, we would not hesitate to enter a UFO in the belief that this is for our safety. Of course, if you want to risk hanging around for an alternative ride that may never come, that is your choice. If the "God" does not look human, but has all the powers of the Biblical one, that's good enough for us. Remember, the Bible's image of God with his long white beard is just something a human created to help you picture all this more easily. If you wait to see this face, you may be waiting a long time!


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