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Global Warming cover-up reveals Bush administration censorship!

Global Warming cover-up reveals Bush administration censorship!It is refreshing to see that at least one scientist is not afraid to reveal the facts on Global Warming, despite serious attempts to censor his information from the White House.

James E. Hansen, longtime director of the agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has given the The New York Times several interviews in the last few days and this has enabled the public to get a much clearer picture of how serious Global Warming has become and the efforts by the Bush Administration to keep this information from you.

Hansen recently stated that he is "reasonably confident" that 2005 was the hottest year on our planet since records began. You can download the records for the last 100 years here (viewable on Quicktime) and see for yourself how the planet has been getting much warmer (especially in the last 20 years or so). If you prefer, you can view just 2 examples provided by our good friend James Finn, on his sites main page (Click Here).

There is no question that the increased temperatures are a reality, and have been for some time, but this information has either been kept from you, or allowed to be released into areas that few people ever see! We too have experienced the hand of censorship in trying to write articles on this subject and suspect that Google may well be under pressure to "restrict" information that it lists on this topic as well.

This does not mean refusing to list any pages that carry this information (that would be a little too obvious), but there does seem to be a situation where such pages are not given a high profile position on their search engine. We have been a News publisher on Google News twice (two different sites) and have been dropped two times! Once after almost a year and the second time after less than 2 months. On both occasions shortly after we wrote articles about Global Warming and our views on what is causing it. It may be a coincidence, but Google created a partnership with NASA last year on a communication project. We were never given any reason for why they no longer wanted to continue using our News articles (which used to obtain good hits).

We would like to point out that there are no "restrictions" on the general subject of Global Warming, and if you do a search for these words on Google you will find more than 40 million entries listed. Almost all of the articles accept that it does exist and blame it on an unavoidable byproduct of burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels. A few of course don't believe there is a problem at all! However, if you mention that the Global Warming effect is connected to an event happening in our solar system at the moment, then you will discover a different situation!

You can obtain our views on this by reading our recent article: NASA blame hottest year on recod (2005) on Greenhouse gases

The Bush administration have said many times that reducing the pollution that industries produce will create other (financial) problems, and this is true in the short term. Whilst the administration have many friends in the companies that produce this pollution, and perhaps personal reasons not to upset them, this may not be the only reason.

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!No one can deny (if only in private) that the Global Warming situation has become very serious, but perhaps those in power know the real reason for it (as we do), and understand that reducing harmful emissions won't make any difference at all. The US government clearly do recognize the problem, why else would they be spending so much money on trying to create a "shield" to deflect the harmful rays? (Those who have seen this attempt will know the effects better as "Chemtrails").

We hope that the public will finally accept that our planet is in real trouble (with the help of people like James E. Hansen and others), but also take some time to explore the real reasons for this warming. Sadly, time is not something we have a great deal of any more.

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