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The Times claim World has only 20 years to stop climate disaster

The Times has published a story saying that the "World has only 20 years to stop climate disaster", and is yet another hard hitting article on the subject of Global Warming to appear in the last few days.

In The Times article they state "By 2025 the technology needs to be in place to reduce carbon emissions by 2.6 per cent every year to avoid catastrophic climate change. Leaving it any later will mean that so much carbon dioxide has been released into the atmosphere that it will no longer be feasible to reduce levels sufficiently"

The Global Warming affects are moving at a much greater speed than many expected and the article continued by saying "The rate of global warming is already worse than was feared in 2001, with melting ice likely to increase sea levels by up to 40ft unless temperatures are stabilised. In the Antarctic an area of ice big enough to swallow Britain almost three times over could float away and melt"

Unfortunately, we do not agree with the time periods that have been suggested (when things become critical) and assuming no other disasters happen in the meantime, the period of 100-200 years is more likely to be 10-20 years!

We are also a little concerned that both both George Bush and Tony Blair have now officially accepted that climate changes are taking place and could become serious. They obviously knew about this for some time, yet only now want the world to know that they seem to agree with everyone else, why?

We are always suspicious of any politicians (especially Bush and Blair) that suddenly develop an urge to be "honest" and suspect that there may be another reason for this.

Click Here to find a Hypnosis Download that can help you!As our readers will already know, we believe that Global Warming is being caused by a solar event and may be the early effects of a Galactic Superwave. We also believe that Bush and Blair also know this and are trying very hard to conceal this fact from the public. What better way to divert peoples attention away from the real problem (which is becoming more evident every year), than by letting people think that they were right, and that Global Warming is caused by man made emissions?

Of course, even though Bush and Blair are trying to give the impression that they are taking all of this more seriously, they still refuse to take any action that will make any difference, and their response is to just to provide more hot air (as if we haven't got enough already).

There is a saying about beware of Greeks bearing gifts, but there should be one about being cautious of any information that Bush or Blair volunteer!

Please read our recent articles on climate changes on the links below:

Global Warming cover-up reveals Bush administration censorship!

NASA blame hottest year on recod (2005) on Greenhouse gases

Countdown to Global Destruction - Is it time for the jokes to stop?

Chemtrails - The latest news on the Chemtrail story

Will this be our last New Year celebration on this planet?


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